The Central Region of Argentina has a lot to offer. Cordobeses like to refer to themselves as “the heart of the country”. And thanks to its geographical location and nature, Córdoba has it all. From its capital, where visiting La Manzana de Las Luces (a valuable Jesuit legacy) is an obligatory walk, to its beautiful regions: Traslasierra Valley, Punilla Valley, and Calamuchita Valley.

In the neighboring province of Santa Fe, the visitor can discover the cities located on the edge of the Paraná River, with Rosario as the main one, with all their charm and their mark on national history, as made clear by the Monument to the Flag and San Lorenzo, so remembered for its epic battle.

Already in La Pampa, the plain welcomes the visitor with all its splendor and its gaucho heart. There, the local Pampean communities proudly teach their customs and traditions.

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Best Seasons:May to November
Popular Location:Córdoba, Santa Fe, Rosario, San Lorenzo, La Pampa

Natural beauties

to unleash your senses.