To be able to take distance from the routine and return to our essence. Spread the synergy between people and generate stronger connections. Promote solidarity and collective work in pursuit of a common goal. These are the objectives of ViajaRSE, an initiative of MATER Sustainable oriented to corporations, with a complete portfolio of programs aimed at improving productivity and interpersonal relationships among its employees.

Our proposals have a technical, holistic and artistic approach in relaxed natural settings. They seek to humanize daily work and generate greater potential, reinforcing concepts and primary values of the human being, improving communication problems, promoting a good work environment, solving the lack of motivation and preparing the employees to solve possible problems that may occur within of the professional field.

ViajaRSE is an invitation to internal exploration through group experiences in majestic natural and cultural settings. Its tailor-made programs have the perfect balance between recreation, professional and personal training, with techniques and skills that are shared in an experiential workshop.

The approach modules of each program are created, with passion, together with our allies, specialists in various subjects, among others: art, sustainability, luxury, fashion. With Henias, Anabella Weber, José Luis Landet and Juan Manuel Wolcoff, to name a few of our partners, we design genuine, thorough, effective and comprehensive workshops and activities that manage to fulfill and satisfy the purposes and objectives sought by companies with conscious leadership and business.