How long is a flight to Argentina?
Traveling to Argentina, one of the southernmost countries in the world, can take a few hours, or even days, depending on where you come from and what type of flight you take. For long journeys, traveling at night is always the best option, so you don’t lose travel time and you can sleep to spend time faster. Another good consideration when flying is to get a book from a local writer, in this way you can introduce yourself to the culture of the country and of course, entertain yourself during the trip. Let us now review the duration of flights from some of the main cities in the world.
New York 9hs
Los Angeles 13 hs
Miami 9hs
Madrid 12hs
London 12hs
Paris 13hs
Mexico DF 8hs
Sydney 15hs
Hong Kong 27hs
Istanbul 17hs
For flights information we recommend to visit the web of Skyscanner.